Oh Baby! Fitness is pretty darn lucky to have an EXCLUSIVE excerpt from “Mom Hacks” – the new book that is on shelves TODAY – by Dr. Darria Gillespie. Mom Hacks is full of 100+ science-backed shortcuts to reclaim your body, raise awesome kids and be unstoppable! There’s a huge section of hacks on how to get moving, to make exercise fun and ways to get the whole family exercising.
Feeling Sexually Confident After Having Baby

It’s no secret that pregnancy and the delivery of a baby does a number on a woman’s body. From stretch marks and weight gain to changes in complexion and even hair loss, your postpartum appearance can leave you feeling like a completely different person, especially in the bedroom. Whether you’re feeling self-conscious about your physical experience or your hormones are killing your sex drive, keep reading for some steps you can take to regain your sexual confidence postpartum.
A New Parent Support Group Saved My Life

“Moms need the community these support groups offer now more than ever. Social media gives us the impression that we are connected (and can be a great support when we just can’t get out of the house), but NOTHING can replace just being with other parents and babies. Watching them. Listening to them. Sharing with them. Supporting each other. Heck, having some place to BE at a specific time, and LEARNING to get you and baby out of the house is a HUGE accomplishment.”
Postpartum Depression & Anxiety – the Pit You can Fall into Without Realizing It

This was me in 2004. I was in the pit of postpartum depression. Funny thing about depression, you don’t realize you have it when you’re going through it. You’re at the bottom of a hole and nothing makes sense. Being responsible for a new life only makes the hole deeper. It was a BAD place for me and my baby.
Guest Post: Oh Baby! What Happened To My Body?
Oh Baby! Fitness Coordinated Pushing on Lamaze Blog
OBF CEO Clare Schexnyder in VoygageATL
Gestational Diabetes: What Is It and How Can Exercise Help?

One of our clients just found out she has gestational diabetes. She’s an avid exerciser, but had terrible morning sickness in her first trimester and lost weight. She gained it back rapidly in her 2nd trimester. She wondered what she could have done differently and how exercise might help her manage her gestational diabetes. We’ve got some answers!
Weight Gain and Pregnancy- What’s Normal?
More Proof: Exercise Can Help New Moms Avoid Postpartum Depression

According to new research, exercising during and after pregnancy reduces the risk of getting depression. Simply walking with a stroller can ease symptoms.
*Studies tracked almost 1,000 mothers who were offered different exercise programs
*Exercises included aerobic activity, Pilates and yoga
*Researchers found those who exercised had fewer depression symptoms after birth
*1 in 9 women suffer from postpartum depression – the most common complication after childbirth. (CDC)