Act fast, our Pregnancy Weekly Workout App on iTunes is on sale for $3.99 from Nov. 27 – Dec. 2. This is a great opportunity to have a personal exercise app to use over the holidays. The Oh Baby! Fitness app gives you a specific exercise and demo video for each week of pregnancy. First 4 weeks are FREE, open the rest of the videos (up to 40 weeks of pregnancy) for only $3.99. Please consider reviewing our app on iTunes too!




The Oh Baby! Fitness Pregnancy Weekly Workout shares everything we’ve learned from training nearly 30,000 women in prenatal and postnatal fitness.

Our app offers a specific exercise for EVERY week of pregnancy. A normal pregnancy is 40 weeks. For this app: Weeks 6 – 10 are FREE… Unlock the remaining 30 weeks of videos for only $3.99.

Each week’s video will help you strengthen and tone muscles needed for a healthy pregnancy and delivery. Each exercise is designed to provide you with the most appropriate workout for your week of pregnancy using Pilates, Yoga and strength training exercises you can do at home with no additional equipment. Short videos and descriptions will show you exactly how to do the exercise and will explain how the exercise will help you build muscle or relieve stress.

String exercises together to make your own personalized, SAFE pregnancy workout. You can also track your workout each day, and note how you liked the exercise and if it was challenging, etc.

* Due Date Calculator – Enter your due date and immediately see an exercise that’s best suited for your CURRENT week of pregnancy. You’ll be able to view exercises for PAST weeks of pregnancy and FUTURE weeks of pregnancy too.
* Weekly Exercise Videos – Specific exercises with short videos for each week of pregnancy up to 40 weeks.
Each exercise has three notations:
1) What it does (the muscle group the exercise focuses on)
2) What to watch for (specific modifications for exercise)
3) Number of times (reps) you should do of the exercise
* Tracker: A special “tracker” feature shows you how many times you’ve done an exercise, on what date, and any notes you make about it.
* Favorites: You can mark and keep track of your favorite exercises.
* Resources: We supply links to valuable resources, blogs, videos and more.

The American Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology recommends pregnant women work out for 30 minutes on most if not ALL days of the week. Walk, swim or combine your favorite exercises from this app for your very own safe workout program tailored just for you.

The Oh Baby! Fitness Pregnancy Exercise Weekly Workout App shares everything we’ve learned from training nearly 20,000 women in prenatal and postnatal fitness.

Each week, you’ll be given the best yoga, Pilates or strength building exercise specially designed for your specific week of pregnancy. Short videos and descriptions will show you exactly how to do the exercise and will explain how the exercise will help you build muscle or relieve stress. Our app will guide you through the creation of a workout that’s just right for your stage of pregnancy. As you progress, you can always repeat the previous week’s exercise or explore up ahead in the app to find new and different exercises to try.

– See more at:

The Oh Baby! Fitness Pregnancy Exercise Weekly Workout App shares everything we’ve learned from training nearly 20,000 women in prenatal and postnatal fitness.

Each week, you’ll be given the best yoga, Pilates or strength building exercise specially designed for your specific week of pregnancy. Short videos and descriptions will show you exactly how to do the exercise and will explain how the exercise will help you build muscle or relieve stress. Our app will guide you through the creation of a workout that’s just right for your stage of pregnancy. As you progress, you can always repeat the previous week’s exercise or explore up ahead in the app to find new and different exercises to try.

– See more at:

The Oh Baby! Fitness Pregnancy Exercise Weekly Workout App shares everything we’ve learned from training nearly 20,000 women in prenatal and postnatal fitness.

Each week, you’ll be given the best yoga, Pilates or strength building exercise specially designed for your specific week of pregnancy. Short videos and descriptions will show you exactly how to do the exercise and will explain how the exercise will help you build muscle or relieve stress. Our app will guide you through the creation of a workout that’s just right for your stage of pregnancy. As you progress, you can always repeat the previous week’s exercise or explore up ahead in the app to find new and different exercises to try.

– See more at:

The Oh Baby! Fitness Pregnancy Exercise Weekly Workout App shares everything we’ve learned from training nearly 20,000 women in prenatal and postnatal fitness.

Each week, you’ll be given the best yoga, Pilates or strength building exercise specially designed for your specific week of pregnancy. Short videos and descriptions will show you exactly how to do the exercise and will explain how the exercise will help you build muscle or relieve stress. Our app will guide you through the creation of a workout that’s just right for your stage of pregnancy. As you progress, you can always repeat the previous week’s exercise or explore up ahead in the app to find new and different exercises to try.

– See more at:

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