The 5 Things I Did BEFORE Returning to Exercise After Having My Baby

The 5 Things I Did BEFORE Returning to Exercise After Having My Baby

In my work, I often see women rush right back into exercise after they have their babies. I understand the urge– pre-pregnancy jeans are calling and the mental kick of a good workout can’t be beat. However, I’ve seen lots of women return to exercise too early or without a plan and end up injured. In an effort to learn from them, I did the following things before returning to exercise:

What being pregnant taught me that 10,000 pregnant women couldn’t

What being pregnant taught me that 10,000 pregnant women couldn’t

I’m in the last days before my due date I wanted to give one final update! Those of you who have been pregnant might remember the very special mental workings of being 39+ weeks pregnant. I swing between “baby will come when he’s ready!” and “I’ll be pregnant forever” on a regular basis (like, seriously, about ever 5 minutes or so). I feel lucky that we haven’t had the need to schedule an induction or c-section (yet), but also jealous of friends and clients that know the last possible day they’ll be pregnant.

3 Exercises You Can Do After You Have Your Baby

3 Exercises You Can Do After You Have Your Baby

We get asked all the time how quickly women can return to exercise postpartum. While you don’t want to vigorously exercise until cleared by your doctor (usually at your 6 week postpartum visit), there are some simple exercises you can do before then to help get your body recovered and rehabbed from pregnancy and delivery. The video below shows three exercises you can do in those first six weeks—starting in the hospital! Check them out to find out how to get your body ready to get back to exercise as soon as your doctor clears you.

The home stretch- Third trimester update and favorite workouts

The home stretch- Third trimester update and favorite workouts

I’ve now entered the “less than 2 months until due date” stage of pregnancy, which before I was pregnant myself, I’d characterize to clients as the “freak-out zone.” Right on schedule, I’m suddenly feeling like “ooooh, it’s GO time.” Before I was pregnant, I’d tell clients that the highest anxiety point of pregnancy is usually around 32-33 weeks (this is often when moms have nightmares about labor and delivery, and spend whole days thinking “this baby is going to get bigger? And it’s going to come out HOW?”), and, now, I’m no exception! While we’ve likely got plenty of time, part of the anxiety and push to get things done comes from the fact that I’m already feeling so big and often uncomfortable- and know that this little guy is supposed to double in weight between now and his due date. So I am in “go” mode: nursery, work, Christmas shopping…it’s time to get things taken care of!