41 weeks pregnant vs 10 days postpartum

Hello from the other side of pregnancy- motherhood! Peter was born December 29th,  exactly one week past his due date. We’ve taken the last six weeks to settle in as a family while getting to know our funny, sweet little guy.

The week after his due date and before his birth was easily the longest of my life. I spent Christmas day walking for hours with my husband on quiet streets, wishing for the little guy to make his entrance already. And then, as all babies do, a few days later he finally he did. I’ll share more about his birth in the weeks ahead- it was a long, hard, wonderful experience.

The days since his birth have been everything everyone said- intense, repetitive, and so full of love. It’s a weird fugue state- these six weeks seem to be lived out in three hour repeating cycles. Sometimes it feels like the movie “Groundhog’s Day,”  just with a baby that keeps getting bigger. 🙂   But we are slowly settling into a routine- and part of that routine will be me sharing my experiences with you.

Over the coming weeks I’ll share some about Peter’s birth, and a lot about my experience with postpartum exercise. I will say that I’m now a “true believer” in prenatal exercise- recovery has been so much quicker and easier than I expected, and I (and my doctors) fully credit that to the exercise I did while pregnant. And I’m excited to bring Peter to mom and baby classes- and so ready and looking forward to getting back to exercise myself.

For now, I just wanted to check in. Thanks for all the incredible well wishes and congratulations. Your messages and emails were so kind—every new mom should be so lucky to have such a huge, warm welcoming committee to the club. Thanks for all your support over the pregnancy- as the picture above so perfectly shows, I’m relieved and thrilled to be joining you all on the other side.

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