A recent student and “Certified Fitness Geek” took our Oh Baby! Fitness Pre/Postnatal training and live workshop and gave us stellar and detailed reviews.
“Certified Fitness Geek” Reviews Oh Baby! Fitness Pre/Postnatal Training and Live Workshop

A recent student and “Certified Fitness Geek” took our Oh Baby! Fitness Pre/Postnatal training and live workshop and gave us stellar and detailed reviews.
Several years ago, I sat with a team of newly hired Oh Baby! Fitness instructors in a live perinatal fitness training. This was the go-to pre/postnatal training at the time–basically the only one on the market. I had taken the live training a few years before with a great instructor and had spent the years since teaching 20+ Oh Baby! Fitness classes a week. I was excited for our new team, but about halfway through called Clare, the CEO and founder of OBF and said, “We’ve got to create our own training. NOW.”
We are pleased to announce two upcoming LIVE perinatal fitness training workshops! The first will be in Atlanta, GA, on Friday December 16th, 2016, from 8a – 4pm. Sign up today for the Oh Baby! Fitness live training and get certified to teach pre/posnatal moms and potentially join our licensing program and start your own biz!