I’ve now entered the “less than 2 months until due date” stage of pregnancy, which before I was pregnant myself, I’d characterize to clients as the “freak-out zone.” Right on schedule, I’m suddenly feeling like “ooooh, it’s GO time.” Before I was pregnant, I’d tell clients that the highest anxiety point of pregnancy is usually around 32-33 weeks (this is often when moms have nightmares about labor and delivery, and spend whole days thinking “this baby is going to get bigger? And it’s going to come out HOW?”), and, now, I’m no exception! While we’ve likely got plenty of time, part of the anxiety and push to get things done comes from the fact that I’m already feeling so big and often uncomfortable- and know that this little guy is supposed to double in weight between now and his due date. So I am in “go” mode: nursery, work, Christmas shopping…it’s time to get things taken care of!