
A couple of my clients have work trips coming up and asked if I could share some workouts they could perform in a hotel room. I wanted to share with you guys what I came up with– these are great pregnancy workouts you can do anywhere that don’t need any equipment! The motto for this is: short, simple, effective– just what you want when you have a little time, a little space and want to get a workout it.

If you are interested in creating your own custom prenatal workout, be sure to check out our Pregnancy Weekly Workout app! It’s a must have for pregnant women on the go. The app gives you a specific exercise each week for the full 40 weeks of pregnancy, tailored to exactly what your body is going through. You can string exercises together and make your own personalized workout that you can perform at home, when traveling– wherever you are! The video demos help you know how to do each exercise correctly– that’s me up there coaching how to do the perfect pregnancy lunge. Download it now, and between that and the following 3 workouts, you’ll be set for at-home workouts during your pregnancy.

Workout 1- perform below sequence 2 times

50 walking Lunges

40 squats

30 sit ups

20 pushups

10 moving plank (each arm)


Workout 2- perform below sequence 3 times

15 squats

15 pendulum lunges each leg

15 alternating side squats

15 dips

1 min plank hold


Work 3- perform below sequence 3 times

10 pushups

10 moving plank (each arm)

10 stationary lunges (each leg)

10 alternating leg lifts in wall sit

10 walkouts (standing to plank to standing)



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