A couple of my clients have work trips coming up and asked if I could share some workouts they could perform in a hotel room. I wanted to share with you guys what I came up with– these are great
Pregnancy workouts you can do at home

A couple of my clients have work trips coming up and asked if I could share some workouts they could perform in a hotel room. I wanted to share with you guys what I came up with– these are great
Oh Baby! Fitness is thrilled to announce our newest class offering: the Pushing Partner Workshop: How to Push Out Your Baby. Based on our bestselling app, this pelvic floor, yoga and abs class will prepare women for the most difficult stage of childbirth: pushing!
Oh Baby! Fitness has three great exercise apps available on iTunes that you can download to start working out now! We’ve designed 3 mobile apps to help Moms get in shape during pregnancy and after and also to teach you how to push your baby out easily and effectively with NO FEAR! Download today!
We’ve got some exciting news- today we are releasing an app that will teach women all over the world the technique of Coordinated Pushing. Now women don’t have to be in Atlanta, or taking an Oh Baby! Fitness class to learn the super simple (it’s five steps), super effective (we get emails every day from clients about how successful it was) technique. I couldn’t be more excited, and honestly more proud to share this app with the world. The app is called exactly what it is: How to Push Out Your Baby.
One secret tip that pregnancy trainers know is that there is one exercise that strengthens all the muscles used in labor and delivery—AND it’s an exercise you can do at home. All you need is a wall—that’s it! The secret:
Answer: If not restricted by your doctor, exercising up until delivery is one of the BEST things you can do for yourself and your baby. “Can I exercise right to the end?” is one of the most common questions we
Oh Baby! Fitness Senior Instructor Kathleen Donahoe leads us through a proper wall sit for pregnant women. Wall sits are a great exercise for building lower back and glute strength during pregnancy. It’s also a great way to prepare for
When they first find out they are pregnant, many women can’t imagine that they will be exercising right up until their due date. However, it is very common for women who are active during pregnancy to continue to exercise regularly