Oh Baby! Fitness Announces Newest Team Member – Co-Owner Kathleen Donahoe’s Baby Boy!

Oh Baby! Fitness Announces Newest Team Member – Co-Owner Kathleen Donahoe’s Baby Boy!

Note from Co-owner Kathleen Donahoe:

“My husband Jonathan and I are delighted to announce the birth of Peter Donahoe Reckers. He was born Sunday Dec 29th just after 12:30am, 7lbs 9oz. Thanks for all your support and encouragement over the pregnancy- so far, this little guy is proving totally worth it. We are so excited about the adventure ahead!”

Pregnancy Weekly Workout App ON SALE for the Holidays!

Pregnancy Weekly Workout App ON SALE for the Holidays!

Act fast, our Pregnancy Weekly Workout App on iTunes is on sale for $3.99 from Nov. 27 – Dec. 2. This is a great opportunity to have a personal exercise app to use over the holidays. The Oh Baby! Fitness app gives you a specific exercise and demo video for each week of pregnancy. First 4 weeks are FREE, open the rest of the videos (up to 40 weeks of pregnancy) for only $3.99. Please consider reviewing our app on iTunes too!

Study says exercise during pregnancy gives babies brains a boost- but WHY?

Study says exercise during pregnancy gives babies brains a boost- but WHY?

A really exciting study was released this week that shows women who exercise deliver babies with “more mature” brains—basically, exercising while pregnant gives your baby’s brain a huge boost! Having a smarter baby is something every mom wants and now you know you’re helping make that happen just by exercising.