Kathleen’s update: the end of the 4th trimester

Kathleen’s update: the end of the 4th trimester

We call the first three months of a baby’s life the fourth trimester because they often act like they want to be back in the womb, but it’s also the fourth trimester for the mom. Her body is experiencing many of the same physiological realities of pregnancy (the hormone relaxin, stretched out abdominals, back pain) AND also trying to recover from childbirth. For moms the fourth trimester is a massive physical challenge, on top of also being a sleep deprived, hormone-fueled emotional roller coaster.

Pregnancy Weekly Workout App ON SALE for the Holidays!

Pregnancy Weekly Workout App ON SALE for the Holidays!

Act fast, our Pregnancy Weekly Workout App on iTunes is on sale for $3.99 from Nov. 27 – Dec. 2. This is a great opportunity to have a personal exercise app to use over the holidays. The Oh Baby! Fitness app gives you a specific exercise and demo video for each week of pregnancy. First 4 weeks are FREE, open the rest of the videos (up to 40 weeks of pregnancy) for only $3.99. Please consider reviewing our app on iTunes too!

Study says exercise during pregnancy gives babies brains a boost- but WHY?

Study says exercise during pregnancy gives babies brains a boost- but WHY?

A really exciting study was released this week that shows women who exercise deliver babies with “more mature” brains—basically, exercising while pregnant gives your baby’s brain a huge boost! Having a smarter baby is something every mom wants and now you know you’re helping make that happen just by exercising.

3 Exercises You Can Do After You Have Your Baby

3 Exercises You Can Do After You Have Your Baby

We get asked all the time how quickly women can return to exercise postpartum. While you don’t want to vigorously exercise until cleared by your doctor (usually at your 6 week postpartum visit), there are some simple exercises you can do before then to help get your body recovered and rehabbed from pregnancy and delivery. The video below shows three exercises you can do in those first six weeks—starting in the hospital! Check them out to find out how to get your body ready to get back to exercise as soon as your doctor clears you.

The home stretch- Third trimester update and favorite workouts

The home stretch- Third trimester update and favorite workouts

I’ve now entered the “less than 2 months until due date” stage of pregnancy, which before I was pregnant myself, I’d characterize to clients as the “freak-out zone.” Right on schedule, I’m suddenly feeling like “ooooh, it’s GO time.” Before I was pregnant, I’d tell clients that the highest anxiety point of pregnancy is usually around 32-33 weeks (this is often when moms have nightmares about labor and delivery, and spend whole days thinking “this baby is going to get bigger? And it’s going to come out HOW?”), and, now, I’m no exception! While we’ve likely got plenty of time, part of the anxiety and push to get things done comes from the fact that I’m already feeling so big and often uncomfortable- and know that this little guy is supposed to double in weight between now and his due date. So I am in “go” mode: nursery, work, Christmas shopping…it’s time to get things taken care of!