

Oh Baby! Fitness’s co-owner Kathleen Donahoe  was recently featured on Accuro’s Expert Series where they ask fitness experts to share their story.

In it, she shares about the new ACOG recommendations:

What are the benefits of regular exercise to women who are pregnant or who recently had a baby? What areas specifically should they be focusing on in their routines?

The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends pregnant women exercise on most, if not ALL days of the week, and has changed its recommendations to state that postpartum women can return to exercise even sooner than before. Exercise is shown to contribute to quicker labors with less need for pain medication, decreases the chance of developing gestational diabetes, and (most important to many of our clients)- women who exercise have smarter babies who are better self soothers.

In terms of what KIND of exercise, Oh Baby! Fitness focuses on the core box – specifically pelvic floor and transverse abdominal work. It is incredibly important for this population. Working these muscles correctly will not only help decrease back pain but will also help women dramatically during the pushing stage of labor. A strong pelvic floor and transverse abdominals can also lead to quicker recovery after childbirth.

Read the entire interview here.

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