CNN profiled an Oh Baby! Fitness Pregnancy Aqua class in a story airing on local news stations across the country and in US doctor’s offices too. See the story that aired on CNN.
CNN Accent Health – Benefits of Water Aerobics for Pregnant Women

CNN profiled an Oh Baby! Fitness Pregnancy Aqua class in a story airing on local news stations across the country and in US doctor’s offices too. See the story that aired on CNN.
Almost all of our prenatal classes will include the yoga pose cat/cow. This stretch is one of the favorites of our pregnant moms. Benefits include: – Encourages mobility in a stiff spine – Strengthens the lower back – Helps lessen
One secret tip that pregnancy trainers know is that there is one exercise that strengthens all the muscles used in labor and delivery—AND it’s an exercise you can do at home. All you need is a wall—that’s it! The secret:
Squats are one of the most helpful exercises to perform while pregnant – not only do they help strengthen the lower back (and therefore cut down on lower back pain!) they also build the necessary leg and abdominal muscles
One secret about pushups is they are a great abdominal exercise! Matthew McConaughey has said in interviews the only ab exercise he does is push ups — we figure if it’s good enough for him, it’s good enough for us!
This is a question we hear often, and for good reason. Our pregnant clients know that exercise is important, but wonder if they are hitting the sweet spot between working out hard enough (ie, “I don’t want to waste
Answer: If not restricted by your doctor, exercising up until delivery is one of the BEST things you can do for yourself and your baby. “Can I exercise right to the end?” is one of the most common questions we
Awesome article from Workout of the Week on an Oh Baby! Fitness Pregnancy Pilates class. I’ve copied the entire article here because I think it’s so great! Pregnancy Pilates Wednesday, February 2, 2011 | Writinggal I decided that, since I’m
Guidance on proper form for lunges during exercise while pregnant from Oh Baby! Fitness. Lunges lift and tighten the butt, but they also offer an opportunity to work the pelvic floor. You can do Kegel exercises while doing lunges. Lunges
Check out our newest exercise video: Abdominal Exercises on the Stability Ball. Oh Baby! Fitness Senior Instructor Kathleen Donahoe leads us through some safe and challenging ab exercises.