We are often asked how much exercise is appropriate and safe during pregnancy—we have clients who wonder if they can take more than one of our classes a week, or if it’s okay for them to swim one day and
Exercise and Round Ligament Pain
A common complaint and source of confusion with our clients is a mysterious, often sharp pain that is located low down near the pelvic bone. It often runs diagonally out and up, and often hurts sharply when getting out
How can exercise help pregnancy induced carpal tunnel?
I had a client ask me last night if the tingling in her hands meant that she should stop exercising. It’s a fair question, as non-pregnancy induced carpal tunnel is often an overuse injury, and rest can help. However, with
Why Listening to Your Body is the Most Important Thing
We had a call today from a client who did a make-up in a Pilates class and was concerned participants spent some of the class lying on their back while exercising. The client was very concerned that women should never
What symptoms does exercise help during pregnancy?
While preparing a speech on pregnancy and exercise this weekend, I started to think about all the different pregnancy symptoms that I’ve seen exercise help. I say the phrase all the time – “exercise can help manage almost all the
Outer and Inner Thigh Raises – Build Glutes and Pelvic Floor Strength During Pregnancy
Outer and inner thigh raises work the glutes, thighs and pelvic floor. Engage your abdominal muscles during this exercise for added benefit. Senior Oh Baby! Fitness Instructor Kathleen Donahoe leads you through a demonstration. Watch the video below and let