Oh Baby! Fitness’ best-selling Pregnancy Weekly Workout App was named a favorite for moms-to-be by Fit Pregnancy Magazine.
Oh Baby! Fitness “Pregnancy Weekly Workout” App Named “Favorite” in Fit Pregnancy Magazine

Oh Baby! Fitness’ best-selling Pregnancy Weekly Workout App was named a favorite for moms-to-be by Fit Pregnancy Magazine.
Hi guys! I decided to do a video blog this week after so many people asked for photos of my belly. You’ll hear in this video why I’ve been hesitant to share belly photos (though I promise I’ll take and
While I enjoyed Barrre3 and yoga in my first trimester, I also would often do quick strength training workouts at home. Today I wanted to share some of my go-to workouts with you so that you could try them out
One secret tip that pregnancy trainers know is that there is one exercise that strengthens all the muscles used in labor and delivery—AND it’s an exercise you can do at home. All you need is a wall—that’s it! The secret:
This exercise is simple and really targets the bicep muscles — the arm muscles that moms need to carry those car seats and big babies! Rather than using weights to perform your bicep curls — use your baby! Here’s
One secret about pushups is they are a great abdominal exercise! Matthew McConaughey has said in interviews the only ab exercise he does is push ups — we figure if it’s good enough for him, it’s good enough for us!
I’ve written before about pregnancy and running here, but was recently asked about running after baby—basically how soon can a new mom get back to running after labor and delivery?
While a pretty simple question, it actually takes two steps—the first question is, am I ready to begin postpartum exercise? And then the second, when cleared to exercise, am I ready to begin running?
Oh Baby! Fitness has had the privilege of working with thousands of pregnant women and new moms. Based on this extensive experience, along with expert advice and review of the best available research, we believe: 1. Pre- and postnatal EXERCISE
You hear us talk about Kegel Exercises all the time in our prenatal and mom & baby fitness classes. It’s one of the most important exercises you can do before, during and after your pregnancy. Why? Strong pelvic floor muscles
Oh Baby! Fitness Senior Instructor Kathleen Donahoe leads us through a proper wall sit for pregnant women. Wall sits are a great exercise for building lower back and glute strength during pregnancy. It’s also a great way to prepare for