Oh Baby! Fitness Releases New App: How to Push Out Your Baby!

Oh Baby! Fitness Releases New App: How to Push Out Your Baby!

We’ve got some exciting news- today we are releasing an app that will teach women all over the world the technique of Coordinated Pushing. Now women don’t have to be in Atlanta, or taking an Oh Baby! Fitness class to learn the super simple (it’s five steps), super effective (we get emails every day from clients about how successful it was) technique. I couldn’t be more excited, and honestly more proud to share this app with the world. The app is called exactly what it is: How to Push Out Your Baby.

Ask the Expert: I was active, but I’m pregnant— now what??

Ask the Expert: I was active, but I’m pregnant— now what??

“Before I got pregnant, I was in a pretty active rhythm, incorporating a combination of strength training, warm yoga fusion, and Pilates classes into each week. I was able to maintain most of that routine for the first trimester, but I’m starting to hit some walls recently. I get fatigued more easily, recovery takes longer, and a lot of different kinds of movement are becoming uncomfortable or even impossible for me to perform. So I have two questions: (a) at this point, and going forward, what are the types of movement that are NOT safe for me and the baby? And (b), what are some effective exercises to replace the things that are no longer safe?

Ask the Expert- C-Section Recovery

Ask the Expert- C-Section Recovery

Dear Kathleen- I am having a scheduled C-section, so I already know that my post-delivery recovery time will be several weeks. When can I expect to be able to really exercise again? When will I be able to just go on a walk around my neighborhood? Any tips for recovering my pre-pregnancy shape as soon as healthily possible? What’s the best way to deal with getting my belly back to its normal size?

Kathleen’s update: the end of the 4th trimester

Kathleen’s update: the end of the 4th trimester

We call the first three months of a baby’s life the fourth trimester because they often act like they want to be back in the womb, but it’s also the fourth trimester for the mom. Her body is experiencing many of the same physiological realities of pregnancy (the hormone relaxin, stretched out abdominals, back pain) AND also trying to recover from childbirth. For moms the fourth trimester is a massive physical challenge, on top of also being a sleep deprived, hormone-fueled emotional roller coaster.